Fuera de stock Plastic points Points Harrows Star Tip 2ba 25mm black 30unid Harrows Darts €1.53 High quality tip made by Harrows Darts Amount by blister: 30 units approx. Size: 25 mm View
Fuera de stock Fixed aluminium rods Anodised multiline blue medium (29 mm) Chs1608 Manuel Gil CHS1608 €1.39 Cane Designa Red multiline made of aluminum Size: 29mm Color: Blue Material: Alumini The product consists of 1 set of 3 red aluminum rods View
Plastic points Keypoint Eco Black 2ba 24mm 100 unit Harrows Darts €0.90 Point for darts keypoint in its cheapest version. The product consists of 1 bag of 100 points for playing darts with thread 2ba in black Add to cart
Poly/ Metronic fountain pens Feathers Poly Metronic Oval yellow Manuel Gil €0.90 Feathers by bag: 3 Content: 3 Feathers Thickness: 60 microns Add to cart
Harrows shafts Canes Harrows Supergrip Midi Aqua 42mm Harrows Darts €1.60 Dart sticks of the 21st century, these sticks created with high precision tools and with a great finish Harrows Darts. What. It includes a ring instead of the classic spring to give more grip to the pen. Size not counting the 42mm thread Canes per bag: 3 Content: 3 canes Manufactured by Harrows Darts Add to cart